State lawmakers should avoid any right-to-work proposal like the plague (OH)

Brigid Kelly, Opinion contributor
Published 12:00 p.m. ET Jan. 3, 2018

While everyone is getting into the holiday spirit of giving, a colleague of mine in the Ohio House is circulating six dangerous and divisive amendments to our Constitution. Amendments that would only take away from working families.

These radical changes to the Ohio Constitution and anti-family ideas are corroded with the fingerprints of the billionaire Koch brothers and anti-American propaganda organizations Americans for Prosperity and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). These special interest groups are driven by greed and power. It makes absolutely no sense that people with that much money would spend so much time, effort and resources trying to deprive working people of food on their table, roofs over their heads, and day-to-day dignity and security.

The six proposed amendments to the Ohio Constitution are all related to a nefarious and deceptive concept known as “right to work.” Time and time again, we’ve seen that right-to-work experiment leads to lower wages, more injuries and deaths in the workplace and employees are stripped of their voice and rights. But failed experiments don’t seem to get in the way of destructive ideology.

The bottom line is this: lawmakers elected by Ohio citizens should not sign on to an agenda directed by out-of-state special interests who don’t care about the people we are elected to serve.

We’ve been down this road before. In 2011, the out-of-state interests pushed lawmakers to ramrod Senate Bill 5 through the process in order to deny employees of their collective bargaining rights. We successfully fought back by collecting 1.3 million signatures, amassing 17,000 volunteers and vetoing SB 5 by a 62-38 percent margin. In 2011, SB 5 was unfair, unsafe and hurt us all. Today is no different.

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[PR Watch addresses forces behind prevailing wage repeal]

ALEC, NFIB Push Prevailing Wage Repeal

Posted by Jody Knauss on March 24, 2015

Lower Wages for Workers, No Savings to Taxpayers

Studies have consistently found that prevailing wage laws do not increase government contracting costs, and repeal of prevailing wage laws does not save taxpayer money, primarily because higher-wage construction workers are much more productive. An exhaustive study using a database of 150,000 construction projects over the period 2003-2010 compared the eight Midwestern states with prevailing wage laws to the four without and found per-square-foot construction costs to be equal or lower in prevailing wage states. Taxpayer savings associated with the absence of a prevailing wage law: zero.

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